Friday, October 2, 2009

No One Wins Alone

No One Wins Alone, such a true statement but not so simple. Everyone says success has many fathers/mothers and failure is an orphan. So where do we get all these people to support and help ?

They could be close family members who usually give unconditional support unless you have the envious and jealous variety, otherwise one has to assemble a team for support regardless of whether it is a professional or personal goal. Considering that most people want to be winners by their own right, and do not see the value of supporting anyone. Confusion reigns, all these conflicting desires and ambitions.

People including family have to be convinced that the only way they can win is through you. One has to show leadership and team building abilities, that applies to everybody in any position in life or in an organisation and not necessarily to CEOs and Senior management. One has to nurture and support back, being supported and being a supporter are not mutually exclusive.

Winning is about leadership and team building, about sharing a vision and a dream and most of all being attentive and supportive to the needs of one's supporting team.

Then everyone is a winner


  1. I could not help but say this was a very insightful article.

    Win – win situation is an expression created by compromisers, it is a hidden agreement that implies a self denial of losing a battle!

    Success is all about a self challenge with oneself to achieve a personal or a common goal.

    However; "everyone is a winner", is a new smart expression created by Oussama so as not to be confused with the above, it sheds the light on the true meaning of sacrifice, mutual support, teamwork, ambition, and the importance of grabbing in the very high values that are becoming rare now a days.

  2. Teamwork and mutual support are important not only for success, but also for the innate human need for a sense of belonging, purpose and the need to make a difference.

    Support would likely be more forthcoming if everyone had heard Harry Truman say "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit".

    The good news there seems to be a return to good old fashioned values recently, away from the greed of the 80s and the Me generations that followed.

    You are spot on that leadership is everywhere, and absolutely not tied to a position, and supporting/being supported are not mutually exclusive.

    I really enjoy your writing :)



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