Wednesday, July 29, 2009

On Being Green

There is a debate raging in a LinkedIn Group "GREEN" in response to the question "Is Man-Made Global Warming Real? - The Number of Skeptics is Swelling - Many Scientists Beg to Differ..."

Well, the group members comments (almost 340 and counting) approximated real life with people feeling strongly about the subject from both sides of the divide and some middle of the road positions. What surprised me most is the amount of raw emotions displayed by what is supposed to be a bunch of cool and level headed executives.

I suppose Mama Nature deserves passionate reactions but those ranged from derision, ridicule, delusion and a few others.

All this passion and raw emotions made me think where do I fit in all this, do my contribution to Mama Nature's well being stops at buying energy efficient lights, weather proofing of the house or giving up a few degrees of comfort at home by lowering or raising the thermostat. Is being Green stops there. Well. uhum it is a start I suppose.

Realistically, man made or otherwise the planet is stressed, rain forests are depleted, strip mining is taking its toll, bio diversity is slowly being reduced, let alone gas emissions and pollutants are on the rise. This is not somebody else's problem, this is every body's problem.

What we need is to translate what we know and/or believe at the intellectual level to a more practical level to actions and contributions, easier said and done. I certainly don't have an answer but hopefully I will get there. Once I know I will tell all, honestly


  1. Cool-headed executives are respected for leading a business based on analysis of facts and figures. As soon as the issue (I personally believe that Global Warming and Global Dimming are an interconnected problem) is too big to grasp for people, they have mixed feelings about what is real and what is not. Certainly the environment is changing around us all.

    Strong emotions set free when panic arises. Although perhaps never admitted, people (i.e. executives) can't solve the problem on their own, being one of the reasons people tend to ridicule it. A very sad story indeed.

    As part of my efforts to a better world, I'm currently looking for investments in the GREEN sector. There's an interesting new technology being commercialized at this moment focussing on the water problem in Israel and the USA. The technology is based on the physics of Tornado's.

    Oussama, did you know that a Tornado is the best desalination machine in the world based on pressure differentials? This single vessel technology supposedly takes less than half to a mere quarter of the energy needed to produce clean drinkwater as opposed to current reverse osmoses systems with heaters.

    To make a long comment short:
    'Its seems smarter to accept that the problem might exist, then to ignore it and bear its burden in the future and feel guilty about it'.

    History can learn us alot of human ignorance and greed.

    Interesting topic. Keep it up!

  2. No species' population has grown at such a spectacular rate than humankind. And along with it, similar growth in livestock and crops to feed mankind.
    Therefore, even without acknowledging technology's impact, one just can't deny our influence on global ecologic balance.
    The only thing that really matters in this debate is not pointing fingers at possible culprits but rather figuring out how to leave a livable planet to the generations to come and then acting upon these findings.

  3. I am happy to fly for an airline that is aware and making changes...we recycle and they have done test flights using biofuel. However more needs to be done. I think on a personal level you can make small changes in your life. I would like to have my own garden, rain barrels, compost, and eventually solar panels. I eat a mostly vegetarian diet....I consume some fish and poultry. Thanks for posting, a great topic: )



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